On a dreary day, no one wants to do anything but curl up on your own couch and watch some trashy TV. But, gather up all of your willpower and venture into Little Italy to the Black Lab Bakery...trust me, it'll all be worth it.

Pass through the set of of heavy metal door's and you have arrived in bread heaven. A cornucopia of smells hits you immediately: chiabbata loaves, french baguettes, and sweet breads flood your senses. You don't even need to open your eyes to enjoy the bright, delicious atmosphere.
The popular Italian loaf |
We arrived at Black Lab around 11 in the afternoon, which was during their "hush" hours. Opening at 8am Wednesday through Friday, they are usually sold out of their baguettes and dinner rolls in the first hour. At 12, the business picks back up as people come from all over to taste their succulent tomato pie. Because of the lull, we were able to talk to 7 year owner Barry Ciarrocchi. Ciarrocchi is eager to share the bakery's history. Erected in 1930 and called once DiFonzo's, the shop was a specialty Italian tomato pie and baked goods seller. Passed through the family for many years, it slowly died as bigger, flashier stores popped up. Luckily, Ciarrocchi scooped up the building and turned it around, breaking ties from the confectionery side and focusing more on the breads. Having a master's degree in plant pathology from Penn State University and studying chemistry groomed Ciarrocchi into creating his own form of breads. He experimented with texture, taste, and different methods for years by himself before perfecting the bakery's top selling Italian rolls. Because of all of the science involved, Ciarrocchi then named his shop, "The Black Lab."
Fresh baked loaves ready for sale |
As the business grew, Ciarracchi decided to expand his product line into new, more "trendy" options, such as different pastries, whole wheat breads, and different types of tomato pie. But, "Traditional ways are the ways that stick," says Ciarracchi. The Italian loaf, classic tomato pie, and dinner rolls continue to be again and again the best sellers. Here's an inside look of where the magic happens:
Black Lab only uses the best flour! |
Ingredients all mixed together... |
Dough is hand rolled by workers... |
Then cooked in an 11 ft deepstone oven ... |
Placed immediately out for sale! |
Definitely coming again!
Black Lab Bakery
812 North Union Street
Wilmington, DE 19803
Wednesday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Saturday - 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday - 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays
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